Fully Involved Life

You're Not Alone,
There Is Help.

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Education & Training

Now Available
#1 New Release

PTSD in firefighters

This book is written to arm you with no-nonsense advice on how to cope, grow, and flourish in your relationship and partnership with a firefighter. Fully Involved helps you identify your personal challenges and assist you in owning your responsibility and discovering how to be more flexible. Use this book to reassure yourself, cheer yourself on, and help you see how to adapt, how to care for yourself, how to ask for more, and when to give more.

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Meet the Founder of Fully Involved Life

Mynda Ohs, PhD

Mynda, a former EMT and now a mental health provider, has never been a stranger to difficult times or trauma, but her life changed when she met her husband, Jeff, a firefighter. She quickly received a crash course in the challenges of being a firefighter’s spouse, leading her on a journey to start Fully Involved Life.
   Through Fully Involved Life, Mynda offers services, resources, classes and workshops to help you improve your communication skills, which are different in a fire family. She also aims to help you recognize when you need special assistance and to support you in finding the resources you need.


When You Know Your Why Your What Has More Purpose and Intention

Short video with an amazing example of how to determine your why. Often we focus too much on the what ...
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Burnout and post-traumatic stress disorder: Dr. Geri Puleo at TEDxSetonHillUniversity

This is an amazing TED talks explaining the difference of burn out versus PTSD. Many people confuse the two. It's ...
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Ashley Iverson and Mynda Ohs talk Covid and Family stressors on ZOOM

Ashley and I talk about all the family stressors that have been piled on our first responders and their families ...
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