When You Know Your Why Your What Has More Purpose and Intention
Short video with an amazing example of how to determine your why. Often we focus too much on the what.
Short video with an amazing example of how to determine your why. Often we focus too much on the what.
This is an amazing TED talks explaining the difference of burn out versus PTSD. Many people confuse the two. It’s important to know the difference in order to treat yourself appropriately
Ashley and I talk about all the family stressors that have been piled on our first responders and their families. We will share some significant coping skills and information from an ER nurse on everything COVID https://youtu.be/JYK4wOFh24k
For many the holidays bring out the blues. Often times this is the time of year when the loss of a loved one stings a bit more, you can’t get home due to the cost, or for our first responders you are working. It is normal to feel some sadness along with joy of what …
I had the privilege to write another article for the award winning Firewire. There is a lot of discussion regarding PTSD in our first responders but many times it’s not that. Check out my article and get some insight about all the affects working as a first responder can have on you. https://view.joomag.com/firewire-magazine-fall-2019/0683974001574823325?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJqb29tYWciLCJpYXQiOjE1NzUwODU1ODUsImV4cCI6MTg5MDcwNDc4NSwic3Vic2NyaWJlcklEIjo4NTY2MzE4LCJjcmVhdGVfZGF0ZSI6IjIwMTktMTEtMzAgMDM6NDY6MjUiLCJ1bmlxdWUiOiJBZ1djRmxWbXU4Z1VsVXJzRHRtNWVBZ0NSWE9JZTVQQyIsInR5cGUiOjN9.H4U_f4is1o9kwKlG88Mw9re5w3HKYLMltCZs_oincCQ&ref=email
For firefighters and other first responders, it can be challenging to find the right clinician, but it’s not impossible. As a firefighter you will likely be most comfortable working with someone who gets the job to at least some degree and who won’t be easily horrified by stories of intense or graphic emergency situations. For …
How to Interview A Culturally Competent Clinician Read More »
What is the one aspect that stood out about this book? What are three early signs that a fire fighter might be struggling? What are three major signs that a fire fighter is in trouble emotionally? What would prevent a fire fighter from reaching out? What did you learn about how/when to talk about the …
Today on the show, Dr. Mynda Ohs stops by to share her perspective as a mental health clinician and give us a few tools to add to our mental health toolbox! Listen here